Mechatronics, the variety of robotics, electronics, computer, and control systems, has resulted in various unique products, from smartphones to self-driving cars. To create those products, they need to be digitally modeled and developed. SOLIDWORKS, a solid modeling computer-aided design, and computer-aided engineering program, is one of the most popular software options for mechatronics engineers.

SOLIDWORKS was developed by MIT graduate Jon Hirschtick and was bought by Dassault Systems in 1997. The software now encompasses many programs that can be used for both 2D and 3D design.
SOLIDWORKS is used to develop mechatronics systems from beginning to end. Initially, the software is used for planning, visual ideation, modeling, feasibility assessment, prototyping, and project management. The software is then used for the design and building of mechanical, electrical, and software elements. Finally, the software can be used for surveillance, including device management, analytics, data automation, and cloud services.

Mechanical, electrical, and electronics engineers use the SOLIDWORKS software resolutions to form a related design. The suite of programs is aimed at keeping all engineers in communication and able to respond to design needs or changes.
A sample of the products that are a part of SOLIDWORKS, as described on their website, include:
- CircuitWorks: an electronic CAD/ECAD translator that enables engineers to create accurate 3D models of circuit boards.
- CAM: an add-on to all versions of SOLIDWORKS CAD that lets you prepare your designs for manufacturability earlier in the development cycle.
- Electrical 3D: enables you to place electrical components and use SOLIDWORKS routing technology to automatically interconnect electrical design elements within a 3D model. 2D schematics and 3D models are synchronized bi-directionally in real-time, so any changes are automatically updated.
- Simulation: uses Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to predict a product’s real-world physical behavior by virtually testing CAD models.
- Visualize: leverage your 3D CAD data to create photo-quality content in the fastest and easiest way you can–from images to animations, interactive web content, and immersive Virtual Reality.
SOLIDWORKS continues to adapt its solutions to include new capabilities based on users’ feedback. SOLIDWORKS 2020 features many enhancements, such as improved performance, streamlined workflows, and 3DExperience, a cloud-based platform.

Programs such as SOLIDWORKS are vital to the work of everyone in the field of Mechatronics. Students studying Mechatronics at Capitol will take courses in CAD, mechanical systems design, and mechatronic systems design.

Want to learn more about Mechatronics? Capitol offers bachelor’s programs in both Mechatronics Engineering and Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering Technology. Contact to learn more.
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